74 research outputs found

    Agent-Environment Interaction in MAS - Introduction and Survey

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    PRIME: Proactive Inter-Middleware for Global Enterprise Resource Integration

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    We present PRIME software ecosystem, which connects heterogeneous resources from different layers of the Internet of Things and capable of handling complex interoperability scenarios involving: hardware devices, software-based systems and humansМы представляем программную экосистему  PRIME, которая соединит разнородные ресурсы из различных слоев Интернета вещей и способна обслуживать сложные сценарии взаимодействия с участием: аппаратных устройств, программных систем и людейМи представляємо програмну екосистему PRIME, яка з'єднає різнорідні ресурси з різних верств Інтернету речей і здатна обслуговувати складні сценарії взаємодії за участю: апаратних пристроїв, програмних систем і люде

    Colleague-Oriented Interpretation of Knowledge Acquired from Multiple Experts

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    Abstract. This paper presents an approach to derive a colleague-oriented interpretation of knowledge which is obtained from several sources and includes also knowledge about relations between experts and domain objects, relations between experts, and even an expert’s opinion about himself. The method calculates the amount of support, which any knowledge source gets from his colleagues, and then it uses knowledge obtained from colleagues. The basic representation is the semantic network defined in a matrix-based way. The resulting representation is used to select the knowledge sources which have the best fit. This selection is presented in an abstract level and it is assumed to be used in an application-oriented way. 1